Is sourcing in China interesting for you?

China is the biggest trade partner for both the USA and EU. Your car - wherever it's made - has numerous components that are made in China, your laptop, mobile phone, shoes, cutlery, pens, office furniture: all made in China.

So there's a big chance that sourcing in China could be interesting for you as well:

What are the advantages for you?

Lower costs, better prices

Due to lower labour costs ànd great infrastructure (and subisidies) Chinese companies can make and deliver the same product at a signifcantly better price.

Risk mitigation

You only pay for products that comply to your standards. The risk and costs of fail production are your provider's, not yours!

No investment

You don't have to invest in staff, training and equipment to increase your output. Your provider does that for you!

Flexibility in production

Instant flexibility allows you to easily, quickly and without investment or disinvestment scale up or down your outsourcing needs.

Access to specialist expertise

Chinese companies are highly developed and specialized.

When outsourcing you get access to specialized expertise if not available in-house.

Focus op core competences, improve bottom line

Bij outsourcing less profitable parts of your process or sourcing parts at the same quality but better price, you can focus on your core competences and improve your bottom line.

Why China for (out)sourcing?

  • Low Labor Cost:
    China is a great option for SMEs looking to outsource work due to its low labor costs. This can result in significant savings for the company, which can then be invested in other areas of the business.
  • Large Workforce:
    China’s population is the one but largest in the world, with over 1.4 billion people. This makes it much easier to find the right talent for any outsourcing project.
  • Access to Emerging Technologies:
    Outsourcing to China can also allow European SMEs to stay up-to-date on the latest technological advances in their industry. Chinese firms tend to stay ahead of the innovation curve, allowing SMEs to stay competitive.
  • High Quality:
    Think about it: Unless you're driving a Bentley your car has components made in China. The world's largest medical devices manufacturers are Chinese companies. 5G (and 6G) is developed in China; despite its low labor cost, China produces some of the highest quality products in the world. 
  • Infrastructure:
    China is after the EU the largest exporter in the world. It's both US and EU's largest trading partner and it has the matching State of the Art infrastructure - including direct sea and air connections to US, South America, and even direct rail connections with many European and Middle East countries.
Hong Kong Office

Easey Commercial Building 1502(06)
253-261 Hennessy Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong SAR
+852 69132250

Shenzhen Office
  • Hai Xin Garden 1 - D801
  • Wanghai Road 1100
  • Shekou Free Trade Zone
  • Nanshan District
  • Shenzhen, P.R. China
  • +86 15013464303
Amsterdam Office
  • Drielink International BV
  • Barbara Strozzilaan 101
  • +31 85 785 3321